Saturday, November 1, 2014

I Hate Thunderwolf Cavalry


Thunderwolf Cavalry are broken good. They aren't the most broken unit in 40k, but they're in the top 10. Nobz are a middling unit. They bring a strong melee presence, but are far too fragile comparatively. I custom built nobz but regularly have to play againt thunderwolves. They fulfill nearly the same role in each army. It's purely envy because what they have is so much better than what I have. Here's why I hate TWC so much:

Battlefield Role

Both armies are fairly similar. Orks are obviously more numerous while Space Wolves are more skilled and heavily armored. Both units fulfill much the same role as a fast, tough, melee oriented unit that can deliver a lot of damage. Nob Bikers, being upgrades to regular Nobz, are in Elite while Thurderwolves reside in Fast Attack. Thunderwolves compete with Stormwolves in FA, but the latter can be taken as a dedicated transport, so it isn't as much of a problem. Nobz compete with the very useful Tankbustas and Meganobz. Though generally, you wouldn't really run Nob bikerz alongside meganobz anyways since they compete for the same beatstick-melee unit functionality. Slight edge to Thunderwolves due to lesser competition.


Thunderwolves start at 40 each. Nobz are 18pts and cost 27 to put on a bike for a 45pt total. Both come with a free, identical character upgrade. Thunderwolves are cheaper by 5pts, so that's a win there. Let's see later why Nobz pay an extra 5pts.

Unit size

Nobz can be taken in unit size up to 10, while Thunderwolves max out at 6. Slight Edge to Nobz for being able to take more wounds to absorb fire, which they'll need since they die quicker.


Nobz have a Str5 AP5 twin-linked assault 3 dakkagun. Being only BS2, the TL really helps. You've got enough speed to get to rear armor in many cases, which might help. Overall, it's a pretty good ork shooting platform. They also get to keep their sluggas for +1 attack if you don't give them any other melee weapon upgrades and you can save a few points on extra wounds. Realistically, this is a melee unit. You can waste points on a combi weapon, but please don't. Thunderwolves get only a bolt pistol, but it is +1 attack. The Nobz get a solid edge here.


Both units move 12" and aren't slowed by terrain. Both units have to take horrible dangerous terrain tests, which are no fun. Bikes can turbo boost 12" (and gain +1 to cover save). Thunderwolves can run D6, but due to fleet can choose to reroll it. Fleet will also help them get into where they really need to be, which is combat, more effectively. The Orks at least get 'ere we go, which is like fleet but you can only re-roll 1 die. I'm going to declare this a draw. The extra distance on turbo boost helps, but isn't a game changer over fleet.


Now here's where the Thunderwolves will start to pull away. They have identical WS4. Nobz can buy a Waaagh Banner for 20pts (worth it on larger units only) for +1WS. The Champions of Fenris detachment gives you +1WS for TWC for free, but you do have to take 2 elites. BS2 for Nobz (but TL) vs. BS4 is fairly meaningless on a melee unit. Both have identical T5 and 2 wounds.

TWC have native Str5, while Nobz are Str4 with furious charge. This is huge when considering taking a powerfist/klaw means that Orks are Str9 on the charge and TWC are Str10 always. TWC double out Nobz, Nobz don't double out TWC.

TWC are I4 to Nobz I3. TWC have 4 base attacks +1 for 2 cc while Nobz only have 3. Effectively, TWC hit first and with more attacks. To say nothing for the Ld and save, which we'll cover in a minute. TWC match or beat the Nobz in every category. Str5 alone is enough to push this to a big win for TWC.


TWC have ATSKNF and Ld9. On the rare occasions they fail (1/6 chance) they recover automatically and can charge the next turn. Nobz are an abysmal Ld7, so they fail often (42%). Orks have Mob Rule to mitigate. If you aren't in combat or lost combat, you're likely not above 10, so you'll need to take a bosspole to reroll on the table and hope to only hurt yourself (average .58 wounds), then you'll get to stay in combat. Otherwise, you're fleeing, don't auto rally, and can charge if you miraculously do rally.

Nobz can be swept. You don't know the heartbreak of seeing a large melee oriented unit get swept until it happens. It makes you question even playing. Orks are susceptible to fear, tank shocks, pinning, etc. Ld7 sucks. The whole morale mechanic isn't fun, especially when half the armies you face don't even pay attention to it (or it's worst affects). Big win for the wolves here.


Nobz get a 4+ with the bike. They can jink for a 4+ cover as well, which can be boosted to 3+ if turbo boosting. This can help them get into assault with more units alive. That 4+ armor does nothing against any power weapon. You could waste points to get a 6+ FNP, but don't bother. Nobz have no way to get an invuln in CC. You don't realize the number of AP4 weapons until you play as an army with armor 4.

Thunderwolves get the marine 3+ as standard, but cannot jink for a cover save. The most important point here is that they can take a storm shield for 15pts. Only 15pts is sick. Any or all of them can take it. Very disheartening. They're just as susceptible to small arms fire with it as without, but really they're going to live much longer against the special/heavy weapons you would normally take to kill units like this. This is a massive win for the TWC.

Melee Equipment

Nobz get only 2 choices. A powerklaw (fist) and a big choppa. The big choppa is a nice choice, giving you some Str7 on the charge (AP5), but sacrificing an attack for 5pts. At least you're going at init, so you'll get some wounds through before the unwieldy stuff gets to you, but not before normal power weapons take you down. Without it, you've only got +1 attack and +1 Str over a 6pt slugga choppa boy, so what's the point. Powerklaws boost you to Str 8, 9 on the charge with AP2 at Init1. A lot of the nob power comes from these klaws. You want at least 1 klaw for every 3 models.

Thunderwolves can get the same powerfist, but at S10 for the same cost. They can also take power weapons, frost weapons, and klaws. They have a much wider range of equipment to chose from (including the storm shield mentioned before). Not even close here.

Special rules

Both get hammer or wrath, though TWC have +1S on the Nobz. Nobz have furious charge, which is worse in all ways than +1S. Most of the other rules have been covered previously, so Nobz get jack shit else.

All Space Wolves get counter attack, so it's almost like they have +1 attack base. It can't fail now either, which is really nice. Oh yeah, and Thunderwolves get rending. Let me rephrase that, because it may not sink in yet, Thunderwolves get motherfucking rending. So base, a TWC gets 6 attacks on the charge at S5, plus rending. For cheaper. It's unexplainable. TWC for the very very obvious win here.


Space Wolves offer a beatstick Wolf Lord and two named characters (Harald & Canis). Each can take ablative fenrisian wolves. All have sick rules. They also offer Iron Priests in the Elite spots, which can also take wolves for ablative wounds (still counting as an IC). The Lord and Priests can get a 2+ (Orks can never get a 2+ (or even a 3+) on a bike).

Orks get Warbosses, who's Waagh can't help them. He's a more powerful version of a Nob biker essentially. He has +1T, so desn't get double out w/S10. He suffers from the same low armor save weakness and comes it at only 3 wounds. He is S5 at least, so swings his klaw at S10. Orks can also get Bik Meks on bikes, but they don't really offer anything. Painboys are a big help at 75pts for FNP and a few poison attacks. All of these are in the HQ spot, so you're going to limit yourself supporting them.

Let's award Victory points based on each of these areas
Unit size
Special rules⚫⚫

Crushing victory for the TWC. So what did we for the extra 5 points we pay for Nobz, a substantially worse unit that will lose to the TWC in every battle. If Nob bikers were in the Space Wolf codex, you would never take the nobz. If the situation were reversed and TWC were available in the Ork codex, you would also never take the Nobz. I think that's a pretty damning condemnation of the Nobz.

Example battle

435pts Nob unit, 7 models
90pts Nob w/Bike, Banner, Klaw
75pts Nob w/Bike, Klaw, bosspole
70pts Nob w/Bike, Klaw
50pts Nob w/BC
50pts Nob w/BC
50pts Nob w/BC
50pts Nob w/BC

370pts TWC unit, 6 models 80pts TWC w/SS & fist
80pts TWC w/SS & fist
75pts TWC w/SS & wolf claw
55pts TWC w/SS
40pts TWC
40pts TWC

Let's compare what happens when the orks get the charge on the TWC:
Orks shoot the TWC, killing 1. TWC cause 1 wound in overwatch. TWC strike first 12 attacks plus 5 wolf claw attacks results in 4 wounds and 2 dead nobz. Nobz strike back with only 8 attacks causing 1 wound. Then the unwieldy weapons strike. Assuming the TWC put the wounds from the nobz on the SS, to maximize survivability, the Nobz only cause 2 wounds, killing 1 TWC. The wolves with fists cause 4 wounds, but at S10, actually cause 8 wounds. Left standing is 1 Nob against 4 TWC (1 w/1 wound). The Nobz lost combat by 8 and need double 1s to stay in combat., otherwise, they are likely to get swept or fall off the board.


TWC live a lot longer, get into combat more, hit first and harder, then survive the counter attack better all at a cheaper cost. It's not that Nobz are bad, they're pretty decent. The lack of any invuln really sucks hard, especially since the TWC can so easily and cheaply get the 3++. The codexes came back to back less than 2 months apart, so GW has no excuse on how poorly thought out the comparison between these two units comes out.

TWC should be limited to either no SS or SS only on the character. They also need a 5-10 point boost. Nobz need an invuln and native Str5. Nobz should be Led8 and some revamps to the whole morale phase (which orks in general need).

It's easy to point to actual dollars for a reason. There is no Nob Biker box. There is a warbiker box with a nob upgrade for $41.50. If you kit bash like I did, you can use these for Nobz. TWC are $55 a box for 3 with no real way to kitbash from other units. Gotta move that product.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Grey Knight HQ

Once the new codex dropped, I had no Grey Knight HQs since I previously only ever ran Inquisitors.  Granted, my Ordo Malleus Inquisitors in Terminators armor are almost entirely built from the grey knight terminator kits and therefore not official inquisitors.

They are both armed with thunder hammer (since it came with the armor) and psycannon (because they were awesome).   Usually, they would be upgraded to psykers and take servo skulls as well.  Servo skulls are especially appealing now with battle brothers sharing the awesomeness.  Expect them to go away with the next codex though.

The first one I built was a hand me down terminator model.  It already had a psycannon and hammer.  Unfortunately, the previous painter was a little heavy handed and the model needed a lot of repair.

The should pads were removed in favor of inquisition specific ones.  The head is a Dark Angel veteran.  The thunder hammer arm ended up being scrapped entirely and instead I used an arm from the normal assault terminator kit, but the hammer end itself is from the power armor kit.

I think some of the flaws really show up in the blown up picture around the psycannon.  I feel like I did a pretty good job cleaning it up.  The painting could have been better, some of the bits weren't ideal, and the pose was way too static.  I wasn't entirely satisfied, so I decided to build a second one.

This one was built using all custom ordered bits.  Everything but the head comes from the terminator kit, but they are all the inquisition specific ones as best I could.  I wanted a much more dramatic pose.  Additionally, I wanted a book bit that could count as a Liber Heresius.  The head is  from the thunderwolf cavalry kit.  Unfortunately, the bottom is flat, rather than rounded, but I made do with some greenstuff..  The eyes are terrible, I know.

The gun is much cleaner as is the paint job in general.  I'm very happy with this model.  The hammer is from the terminator kit and everything except the torso is different from the prior model.

The bases are from hi-tec, which makes great products.  Of course, they can be just expensive or more expensive than similar GW products.  They seem to be the premier place to get alternate HQs in terminator armor.  The painting was really simple, just a mix of dark blues and a highlight of the raised edges in light blue.  It looks really good and makes them stand out as ICs.  Too bad there are only 2 varieties of this base.

I could always use my inquisitors as Brother captains or grand masters.  The load out is fairly reasonable, but they're not particularly good for their points, especially when compared to the librarian. Unfortunately, librarians cannot take psycannons, so I was left with suboptimal choices.  I really felt gutted with the GK updates.  could run a Brotherhood Captain some dreadnoughts, strike squads, purgation squads, and dreadknights.  Other than the knights, this is probably the least efficient way to run a GK list.

I decided to build my own librarian from spare parts.  Since I didn't use the Terminator baby carrier parts, I had those arms, shoulder pads, and torsos.  I also have plenty of falchions and since it is a free upgrade, might as well.  The legs were spare from a Blood Angel Space Hulk terminator.  The BA iconography on this one was minimal so I just trimmed some off and patched over with some purity seals and presto-chango a GK librarian.

The main issue is that the DK Terminator isn't quite a full terminator torso so I had to do some less than optimal patching over of the gaps.  I ended up using a lot of spare bitz (taking a cue from my finecast librarian) around the waist to cover it up. It will look fine once painted.

GK Librarians, unlike other chapters, don't need to be blue.  I still want to incorporate blue somewhere.  It will be an interesting paint job, but probably not one I'll get to for a while.  Not bad for free.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Status of Orks and My Hobby Focus

I started this blog with a focus on Orks when their new codex released.  The rapid fire pace of releases that followed included supplements, a campaign, multiple codexes, dataslates, and a plethora of formations.  It's been hard to keep up.  I also play against a space wolf player that loves to take thunderwolves and Dreadnoughts.  Both of which, I really have no answer for with my current Ork lists.

I haven't really gotten into the supplements and formations for Orks.  Mostly because I find them rather boring.  I could maybe see myself doing something with the Bossboyz.  Otherwise it is mostly a way to spam out expensive ($$$) units I don't have (Bullyboyz with Meganobz or Badrukk's Flashgits), units that aren't good (Da Vulcha Squad-stormboyz), or armies that are dull to play (green tide).

My Grey Knight army was gutted and I have yet to play a game with them.  I built a terminator librarian using spare parts so I have a post coming up about it.  I will eventually get a minimum terminator squad to run a nemesis strike detachment.  I feel like I can make something work with legion of the damned, Tempestus Scions, and a bunker with a vindicare assassin.  Everything deep strikes in.

My inquisition force has sat idle along with my GK.  I can at least still run my razorbacks with psybolt.  Coteaz needs to give objective secured.  I feel like GW really owes us an update for 7th.  I completed my ninja (death cult assassins) but have never played them.  I still like my jokaero and stormbolter acolytes.  I'm sure I'll find ways to use them again eventually.

Blood Angels should have a new codex coming soon.  I've started looking at lists using them again recently.  I would love to see fast engines be an option for BA rather than a requirement.  Unless it lets you get out after moving 12" it isn't very useful on Rhinos.  MSU BA in razorbacks can make a comeback, but whenever I make a list, I feel like I'm missing 1-2 units because of the point  cost difference from the space marine codex.  I've got a relic whirlwind scorpius that I really like to fill several holes in my lists (barrage, AP3).  Mostly BA are missing high rate of fire guns.  We've never lacked in quality, but anytime I was called upon to kill a lot of enemies (cultists, mass drop pod marines (inc Grey Hunter spam), or IG) I would run out of time.  Jump packs are massively overpriced on priests, death company, honor guard, ICs, vets, et al.  Red Thirst is practically useless, especially compared to chapter tactics.  If BA can get drop pods in fast attack, I'm prepared to run purifiers and re-ignite my BA-GK alliance.

I have a rather large IG force that I've never run.  This includes 50-70 troops, a valkyrie, a command squad that I never built, several HW squads that are completely unbuilt, 2 manticores, 2 hydras, a griffon, and 7 chimeras.  At least the Valkyrie and chimeras can be used with my inquisition force.  I've never used them as IG or AM.  Mostly because they're unpainted and I don't really like using a whole unpainted army.  They need a lot of work but don't really some like a whole lot of fun to play. I woudln't mind running an armored company, but don't have the models to do it.  Troops seem really boring to paint for them, so I just haven't touched them and they sit in a box untouched.

All of my old armies, including ones that have gotten updates are mostly underwhelming.  Eldar, Tau, Knights, and Space Marines are so much better than my above armies that I have a hard time pulling them out.  I feel like I really made some poor decisions with army selection.

Instead I've focused on my Slaanesh Daemon army, which has been a blast to paint.  So far, I've put up pictures of my completed Soul Grinder and Seekers.  I have Be'Lakor finished, but unbased so I haven't done a full post on him, but do have pictures throughout.  So far 60 of my 80 daemonettes are painted but only have one squad based (post coming soon).  I have some really great alternate Fiends that I want to do a post on, plus 2 daemon princes, a Keeper, more seekers, heralds, and another soul grinder.  Lots of Slaanesh death coming.

I will eventually branch out to some limited Tzeentch elements and have a squad of pink horrors finished and ready to paint. Slaanesh is fun, but I'm rather limited in my ability to open tanks.  I may end up taking some small squads of screamers as well.  Flamers look like fun to paint. I might as well get one of each herald, you never know when a psyker will get turned.  It doesn't hurt to have one of each squad just in case they get created or summoned.  We'll see.

As I learn the army I'll be posting more battle reports and tactics articles.  I have an article nearly finished about warlord traits.  I've done a lot of research into bases.  I spent hours looking for alternative models.  Should be a lot of fun.

I'd also really like to start building terrain.  The shop needs and it seems like something I could really get into.  One of my favorite things to do is scavenge for alternate bits, models, discounts, etc.  So the creative aspects of building terrain really pull at me.  It was one of the big aspects that pulled me into the hobby, but I just haven't explored yet.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Seekers of Slaanesh completed squad

My entry in the Rarity games first painting contest was a squad of 5 Seekers of Slaanesh.  Even though the number of entrants was less than we were hoping for, I was still proud to take first place.  I'm very happy with them and spent considerable time coming up with the painting scheme for the riders (previously used on 60 daemonettes) and the mounts themselves.

Seekers were one of the main draws for a Slaanesh army.  With a 12" move, a run move of 6+D6", and fleet they can get across the board in a hurry.  They have 3 attacks base with rending, I5, and WS5.  They will destroy almost anything they get into contact with.

As is the case with almost everything Slaanesh, they are fragile.  They are no more survivable than a daemonette with 1W, T3, and a 5++.  All high volume firepower will take them out, including even lasguns.  You can count on losing a few to overwatch no matter who you assault.  This can be a problem with them since you're losing nearly 3" from the front due to the length of the base.  Another weakness is dangerous terrain tests from difficult terrain.  This can quickly add up if you have to go into terrain, then run or assault.  They don't have grenades either.  They rely on their fast init to kill units before they can swing, so dropping to I1 sucks.  Hopefully, they can move fast enough to stay out of terrain.

To keep them alive, I've been heavily relying on the grimoire to get a 3++. Unfortunately, when it fails they are dead meat with only a 6++ unless Be'Lakor is around to give them invisibility.

I chose to give them the Rapturous standard and instrument to make them look cooler.  I used the daemonette version rather than the seeker version mostly because they were already finished.  They are magnetized.  I find it rare that I want to take these options.  The standard is decent even though they are one use only dropping my opponent by D3 WS during assault.  Usually, this is enough to force them to hit on 5s or at least prevent them from hitting on 2s. For 30 points though, I have other areas to spend the points.

I plan on making this one into a herald on mount.I want to use the amrored Seeker bodies from the exalted chariot kit for her.  The left arm is from the herald kit.  The head is one of my favorites.  There seems to be 3 different sizes of heads in the kits, so I've elected to split them out to herald/heartseeker/rider levels and make my own.  Not that I have a choice, there isn't a herald seeker model. 

The herald with 6 attacks on the charge at WS and init 7 is going to mess some stuff up.  It's worth upgrading her to a greater etherblade for 20pts.  She's then Str5 AP2 (plus master crafted).  The real decision is which loci to give her. 

The locus of beguilement is fantastic.  You re-roll all your hits plus when you challenge you get to choose who accepts.  It's easily the best exalted locus.  However, so far I've been taking the locus of grace, which gives move through cover.  It really adds up in time saved to not have to take dangerous terrain checks.  For seekers, you have a 1/9 chance of dying every time you move through terrain.  This seems over harsh for such a graceful unit.  I hate losing units to terrain, so I'd rather take the hit on assault power than risk losing units and restricting my movement.

This is a daemonette head, but looks really good on the seekers.  So far each of them have a distinct head.  I don't think I can keep this up for 2 full squads of 20 though.  I really like the horns and pose of the arms.

Unfortunately, the  lower leg still has some mould lines that only show up with the flash. I didn't notice it while painting.  This is a big problem with miniature photography.  Things look so much better in person than when photographing them and they appear 3-5 times larger.

The spine heads took a lot of adjustment but I'm pretty happy with them.  The drybrushing on the underside just looks fantastic.  I'm really happy with these.

The color correction I do on them makes the seekers appear a little more fluorescent then I'd like, but at least the purples show up well.

The bases are from tabletop art and ended up looking even better than I expected.  They really make the models pop with the monochromatic bases contrasting the

The toes of some of the seekers line up perfectly with the bases.  Unfortunately, there are only 3 so I had to order 7 sets.

I used the smallest magnets I could find and they still are too big.  Several of the daemonette arms have the magnet sticking out.  For the seekers I had to actually drill into the body partially.

The instruments hold well, but the standards are a bit too heavy and jostle more than I'd like.  Nothing I can do about it at this point.

This seeker was my test model.  The color palette is the same as the daemonettes although, I don't use the temple guard blue anywhere.  This helped speed up the process.  I did struggle on some of the webbing and spines, but nailed it pretty much exactly as I wanted on the first try.

The standard doesn't have any special process for it. Just a basecoast, wash, and highlight.  I should probably go in for a 2nd layer of highlighting.  I still have a long way to go in blending.

I think I might redo the tongues.  They were the last thing I painted.  I used retardant to try to blend the colors but there were still somewhat sharp divides, so I use the bloodletter glaze then slapped on a layer of 'ardcoat, which makes them too shiny.  The white tip is a bit much too, maybe just the bright orange would be fine.

I still need to pin these to the bases.  The legs are so flimsy and touch the bases with such a small area that I feel they won't hold up to repeated usage.

My painting process for them has improved already and I was able to knock out a second set of five.
10 down, 10 to go.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Painting Competition Entry

My FLGS is holding a painting competition in conjunction with a tournament today.  Unfortunately, I can't attend the tournament because today is my anniversary and we have plans.  I was still able to enter the painting competition.

The rules were that you had to buy a model/unit from the store.  The minimum was $25, which eliminated most of the smaller characters.  The judging will be done by the tournament attendees today.  I bought all of my seekers from the store, but only submitted one box, because that's all I was able to complete.  I'm extremely pleased with how they turned out.

I ended up using the instrument and standard from the Daemonettes box, rather than the one from the seekers box for two reasons.  First, the magnet I used for the instrument stood out a little for the seeker so it wouldn't lie flush with the model.  Second, the seeker standard is mostly bare and would need some freehand work, which is not a skill I posses.  I also plan on using the center head for a herald at some point, but she'll count as a heartseeker for now.  Some of the heads and arms are mixes from the seeker and daemonette box.  I did this primarily to avoid repeating the same arm poses and the same heads.  I aim to have unique heads in each squad of 20, which is easy enough to do.  I think there are around 25-30 distinct Slaanesh heads between the heralds, seekers, daemonettes, and chariots, not to mention easy, minor conversion work that can be done (swap a top-knot to a different head, etc).

The process I went through is pretty involved.  The riders are painted separately from the mounts.  The process I used is the same as the daemonettes, with only minor differences.  I did take more care with highlights than I would normally in a troop choice (that wasn't going to be submitted for a painting competition).  I started with a single mount and worked through a process.  Luckily it took me less tries than the daemonettes, since I have my color palette down.

The bases are from Tabletop-art and I was worried that they wouldn't arrive on time.  I ended up making some bases using the agrellan earth.  I had bad luck with it when I tried earlier, but really globbed it on this time.  I think I could maybe get 12 seeker bases using a bottle.  The effect was nice, but I wanted to use the bases I envisioned so thankfully my order arrived Wednesday night and I was able to get them primed and painted that evening.  They really are stunning and make the unit stand out.  the duller colors of the base make the vivid red and purples stand out.

Overall, I'm very proud of them.  For a unit with no conversions, I feel like I did solid work.  I do recall reading that painting competitions are often won by the best conversion, rather than strictly painting.  The scheme is unique and different from the 'eavy  metal team's vision.

I'll follow up with the results and a full write up of how I painted them with much better pictures.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Daemonic gifts for Slaanesh Heralds

Heralds on foot with assorted arms and heads

One of the hardest parts of making my daemonette lists is what gifts to give my heralds, Alluresses, and Heartseeker.  Only heralds can get 30 points of gifts and thus can take exalted gifts, which means one of them is automatically getting the Grimoire since I have no one else that can take it and really need it on the seekers. Alluresses and Heartseekers can only take 20 points, so they're limited to lesser and greater gifts.  You have the option to roll then can choose to swap out one of the gifts for one of the weapon options, which are really good.  Let's look at them individually.

Mounted Herald (unfinished)

The rules for gifts state that you take all your rolls then can choose to swap for the weapon/artefact, which is a nice mechanic that helps you effectively choose equipment.  This gives you freedom depending on the mission and opponent to adjust.  It also means there really is no way to play WYSIWYG because it would be impossible to model all the gifts appropriately.  This can also lead to forgetting what you've actually rolled.  This can be particularly difficult it you have multiple models with gifts in the same unit (such as a herald and Alluress) or across different squads.

Alluress looking badass

Lesser rewards come in at 10 point and are generally the least powerful, but still cheap.
  1. Burning Blood causes D3 Str4 ap5 hits if you take a wound in cc.  This could be useful for a greater daemon to cause wounds on termagants or the like to help prevent getting bogged down in combat.  I don't see much use for a 2 wound herald or 1 wound champion to have this.
  2. Cleaving Strike makes your cc to hit rolls of 6 go at double strength.  Only heralds are S5, the rest are S3, so having the extra S is useful especially against vehicles. If I was up against a parking lot I would take it, but only activating on a 6 makes it less useful in most cases against other targets.
  3. Corrosive Breath is a S5 ap5 template with armourbane.  Ideal for a heartseeker since she has the speed to hit in side or rear armor and get to bunched up groups.  Still good for an alluress, but against infantry you risk missing out on charge range.  It's only S5, but you'll still glance av12 nearly 60% of the time and AV10 over 80%.  It's only ap5, but adds to my limited ways of dealing with AV.
  4. Spell Breaker is Adamantium Will.  Not a great choice.  I guess if I knew my opponent was going witchfire heavy as it doubles my chances of denying.  Very situational and therefore not going to be used often.  The one time I think it will be really good I won't get it.
  5. Warp Breath is an 18" S8 ap4 shot with soul blaze.  It's always useful to have another Str8 shot against vehicles but soul blaze does nothing.  A str8 ap4 shot is good against Tyranid Warriors, but little else.
  6. Warp Strider gives you +1 to your reserve roll for this unit.  This can be useful if you're outflanking.  You come in on a 2+ and with acute senses you have 8/9 chance to get the correct side.  Most of the time I prefer to start on the board since you can't assault out of reserve anyways.
The alternative to these is either a witstealer sword or etherblade.  If the witstealer causes a wound, then they must pass an init test or suffer another wound (no armor saves).  It's only ap5 so you're relying on rends to get through the armor, not a problem for greater daemons, so I could see if being useful vs low init armies that have elite troops with multiple wounds like Orks, Necrons, Tau.  It's too situational for heralds and you're better off with the etherblade.  Having an ap2 weapon master-crafted at init 5/7 is pretty incredible for 10 points.

In most cases when I take the lesser reward I'm really just taking the etherblade.  Unless I have some greater plan the sword is going to be the superior option.  If my plan relies on me rolling something on the lesser reward table then I need to reconsider that plan.  Corrosive Breath is really the best option from the table, but cleaving strike is nice.  Both are ideal for heavy AV lists (can't rely on Soul Grinders and princes for everything).  A herald on a steed with 5 attacks base striking at ap2 I7 is going to scare your opponent.
Bases still not finished

Greater rewards are mostly defensive based at 20pts.  Many are ideal for Princes and Greater daemons as they can't join squads.  You don't want to try to tank wounds with heralds or champions but could help you stay alive in a challenge.  This is a very good table.  With daemon princes and Keepers you'll likely want to roll twice on this table hoping to get something that will let you live long enough to get into assault.
  1. Corpulence gives an extra wound and it will not die.  Having 3 wounds on a herald is nice and the ability to regenerate is also good.  Being T3 though, they are too easily doubled out. 
  2. Daemonic resilience is FNP 4+.  This faces the same problems as the Corpulence in that heralds are too susceptible to S6 weapons and attacks.  At least here you have a chance to save a wound before you die, rather than waiting until the end of the phase.  A 5++ then 4+ is pretty survivable but not worth it on the champions. The table gets better from here.
  3. Dark Blessing less you reroll your invulns.  If you can get the grimoire off you'll be rocking a 3++/3++ save.  Even a 5++/5++ is nice because you'll always get it.  I'm probably always keeping this one.
  4. Hellfire Gaze is an upgrade of Warp Breath since it has AP1 and swaps Soul Blaze for lance.  Heralds are BS6 so you're going to get it off usually.  The only downside I can think of is that anything the lance would affect (av 13/14) isn't something you should be assaulting anyways so you may end up having to choose between one shot or running.  I'm going to take this most of the time unless I'm facing all infantry.
  5. Touch of uncreation gives you armourbane and fleshbane.  You'll push a lot of wounds through, but still only S3/4 so you have to roll average just to glance av10.  Rends work on both dice you have two chances to get the bonus D3 for pen.  It's still a very good option especially against other Daemons where ap is irrelevant or hordes with low armor like orks and nids. I would need to look at the list I've facing before determining it I take this.
  6. Unbreakable hide is a 3+ save, which is an improvement over the 5++, but not if I plan on using the grimoire.  You really depend on numbers to weather damage, not a 3+, but it can help when you fail the look out sir.  Not worth 20pts though
You can swap out for a greater etherblade (an etherblade with +1S) or a lash of despair.  The lash is 2D6 S:user ap- shots. Heralds, even at S4, and champions at S3 just don't make this worth it.  The ideal user of this is a Daemon prince where you have someone that got iron arm.  You can place 2D6 S9 hits where you like and that's no joke at all.

The biggest issue with the greater daemon table is the opportunity cost.  Being more surviable is great, but killing a character with your 6 S5 AP2 attacks at I7 before they can strike is more valuable so the greater etherblade is a fine choice in any case.
It's amazing how many flaws show up in photos

Exalted rewards are only available to heralds, princes, and GD. At 30pts each most of them are lacking.
  1. Doubly Blessed gives you a free roll on the lesser table along with an exalted reward.  Obviously this is the best, since you get freebies.
  2. Riftbringer can get you a free unit.  You just need to cause a wound and then roll a 9 or above with 2D6. You do get a bonus to this roll for every 3 wounds you cause.  Causing 3 wounds is achievable, but 6 wounds is not without killing swarms of the like.  So you'll usually need an 8 on the roll, which is about 40%.  If you get this you generate a unit worth more than the 30pts for the reward, but even still it seems like a lot of hoops to go through.
  3. Souleater gives you back a wound on 2+ if you cause one in assaul and can take you up to10.  This is probably the best roll on the table since Slaanesh characters are combat oriented.  If I'm in a KP match I'm hoping for this one in place of the Portalglyph.
  4. Unholy Frenzy is rage and rampage.  You shouldn't be outnumbered often so rampage is less useful for heralds.  Rage is always nice, but not worth 30pts.  Ideal for GDs.
  5. Warp Tether is a bit wordy but essentially you resurrect with 1 wound, but you come out from ongoing reserve.  I guess if you play GK with force weapons everywhere this would be worth considering, but really it is strictly worse than Corpulescence.
  6. Wind of Chaos is a 24" S2D6 Ap4 small blast, but if you roll 11 or 12 it is S10 Large blast.  Small blast 2D6 isn't great.  I'm usually running not shooting.  It's too unreliable to affect vehicles so this is pretty worthless to me.
My favorite Alluress

You can swap for a hellforged artefact, of which there are clear standouts and losers.

  • The Doomstone seems fluffy but I struggle to think of a case where you're going to get a lot of value out of it.  Most characters have high leadership.  Although one failed test will lead to more failed tests and death, getting that first failed test will be tough.  I can see it coming into play, but I don't know how you look at your opponents list and say that the Doomstone is the best option in this case
  • The Eternal Blade is S+1 Ap- but gives you D3 WS, I, and A each combat phase.  Since it is Ap - it is better for MCs or against enemies where AP isn't a factor (orks, daemons).  Not a terrible choice but I'd rather have a greater etherblade
  • The portalglyph is an av12 portal that gives you D6 deamon troops on a 4+ each turn.  Almost always useful except in KP missions but needs further discussion.
  • The Grimoire can cause -1 to daemon invulns on an enemy unit or you can try to apply to one of your own units: on 1-2 you are -1 to invulns on 3-6 you get +2 to invulns.  The crux of the 2++ reroll, which requires fateweaver's reroll to be truly effective.  Throwing this on seekers is very necessary to give them a 3++ which will let them get into combat.

If I take an exalted gift I'm really taking the Grimoire with a 1 in 6 chance of getting an extra lesser gift.  My real question is whether to take a 2nd for the portalglyph or not.

Only D6 daemons isn't a lot but you'll usually average more points of daemons than the Portal cost.  Any of the deamons are useful depending on the situation.  Daemonettes can really move with 9" + D6 coming out and can get to an objective if needed or hide. Plaguebearers with shrouded and plague knives could be an annoyance. Getting some horrors out for extra dice and turning them into a Keeper of Secrets would be pretty badass, but unlikely . Bloodletters  are the least useful, but there could be merit in clearing out some MSU tac marines off an objective late.

It is still a very situational item though. In kill point missions (most tournaments still use 1 mission and/or for secondaries) it would be a liability.  AV12 1 HP can die pretty quickly, but is small enough to be hidden. A lot of armies can quickly destroy it.
For only 5pts you get +1A and char

The biggest problem is that I can't take any other gifts if I take an exalted and can't swap it for an etherblade.  If the mission isn't right, then none of the exalted gifts are worth the 30 points on a herald.  I guess I would hope to roll for souleater then swap all the others for the eternal blade, but really I'd rather have a roll on the greater table.

All the Alluresses together

Ultimately, I think I'm going to prioritize anti-vehicle with hellfire gaze, corrosive breath, touch of uncreation being the standouts since anti-vehicle in a daemon list is at a premium.  Otherwise, I love the etherblades and plan on mostly sticking with them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Slaanesh Daemons vs. Astra Militarum, 1000pts Campaign Battle

Scouring with Dawn of War setup

Our gaming group has started a campaign.  Rhys and I had the honor of fighting the first battle.  My Slaanesh Daemon army attacked his Astra Militarum territory in a 1000 point battle.  Each week you build upon a base list so you don't want to go too heavy against any one opponent with list tailoring.  Luckily Daemons have some flexibility with gifts.

40 Daemonettes hugging the center with a Grimoire Herald

I ran a pure Slaanesh list:
Herald w/steed, loci of grace, greater, lesser
Herald (Warlord), loci of Beguilement, exalted
19 seekers, heartseeker w/lesser

20 Daemonettes, alluress w/lesser
20 Daemonettes, alluress w/lesser
170 Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent

Rhys ran an interesting list w/Bullgryns.  Thankfully, no Wyverns, Manticores, Wyverns, Eradicators,or Wyverns (did I mention I was happy not to see a Wyvern).
See above, no Wyvern.  Not seen, my relief

CCS w/flamer in chimera
PCS w/flamer
10 Guardsmen w/Grenade launcher
10 Guardsmen w/Grenade launcher 

Veterans w/2 plasma in chimera
3 Armored Sentinels
5 Bullgryns


Dawn of War deployment with The Scouring.  I tried to group the objectives as best I could on one side so I wouldn't spread myself out too thin and hoping to utilize my speed to get to the objectives as needed. Neither of us had Psykers.  I rolled on the strategic warlord table and got infiltrate but rerolled (due to CAD) and got Night Fighting/Night Vision.  My thinking here was that I would get there by turn 2 anyways (wrong!) and didn't need it.  When going first, the ability to deploy 3 units (I only had 4) after his deployment would have been invaluable.  I was trying to get -1 to reserves hoping to let my Soul Grinder live against the Vendetta when it came on, but night fighting wasn't bad, but it didn't really help me either. Rhys got an extra command which ended up being useful.

For gifts I got  the 18" lance with my greater gift then rolled adamantium will for all my lesser gifts.  Considering he had no Psykers, I swapped them for etherblades.  Corrosive Breath would have been nice.
Painting in progress, herald has brown base

I did win the roll to go first and deployed along the side with the objectives. Both squads of daemonettes in the center and the seekers able to grab some cover as needed just off to the right.  I made sure everything was in range of the grimoire.  My first big mistake was deploying the Soul Grinder in the corner rather than centrally.

His deployment had him castle up in the far left corner, as far from my Soul Grinder as possible since he had no answer for it until the vendetta arrived.  The Bullgryns (proxied by Obliterators) were in front to give cover saves to the platoon squads.  The chimeras hugged a hill to hide side armor with a CCS in one and plasma vets in the other.
Ready to Roll
The center and lower right objectives were 3s.  There was a 2 in the upper left that a platoon controlled and the other 2 was atop the center right objective.  The 1 was in the upper right the 4 was at the top directly across from my seekers.  After failing to size, it was my turn.

Turn 1

Given the deployment, I had two choices for how to attack.  I could go for the full on assault and hope to overwhelm him on turn 2 with all my units or I could play it cagey and stay out of range, draw him out, and play to the mission by staying on the objectives.  The most vulnerable squad would be the center, since his army would have clear line of site to them if I charged through the middle.  So, first thing's first, I attempt to grimoire the middle squad and failed dropping them to a 6++.  Play to the objectives it is.

I move the squad up to the left behind the stacks hoping to draw him over, and away from the objectives.  I hide as much as I can to limit the damage.  Since I don't fall back from morale tests, I don't have to worry about losing 25%.  The middle squad drops back behind the terrain to hide and the seekers move up behind the middle right terrain piece (we really need more true LoS blocking pieces of terrain, we barely have anything that can even hide a Rhino).  The Soul Grinder brings up the rear.

The warp storm brings down the wrath of nurgle, but does nothing.  All units run to hug more cover.

End of my turn 1
His choices were to move into range of my seekers along the top or shift down and try to kill the daemonettes. He chose the latter.  I miscalculated the position of the grenade launcher and with ignores cover kills 5 or 6 then another 2 with the sentinels' shooting.  I lose more than I wanted, but still manged to keep him in the corner.

Turn 2

I continue to push forward with the soul grinder and wait it out.  The daemonettes on the left move away from his side of the board.  The hiding troops move up to get behind the seekers, I don't really have much of a plan for them other than to get to objectives and be in range to throw out the grimoire as needed.  It goes off this time on the exposed squad, thankfully.  Warp storm is calm, everyone runs, but I forget about the 3" bonus movement and only end up getting 1" (with fleet re-roll) so the squad doesn't get out of range of as much as I would have liked and the Soul Grinder creeps along as well.

The vendetta fails to arrive.  Rhys shuffles around, bringing the sentinels further down the left side and takes some shots at daemonettes but my 3++ rolls hold and I only lose 1.  He's still leery of the seekers and won't get too close.

Turn 3

I continue shifting everything to the right.  The grimoire goes on the soul grinder to protect against the vendetta.  Unfortunately, the warp storm ebbs and reduces it back to a 4++.  I'm content to hold the objectives.  The soul grinder shoots at a chimera but does nothing.

The vendetta once again fails to come on.  Rhys starts to push forward towards the objectives.  His CCS chimera moves on top of the hill and manages to kill a few seekers.

Turn 4

With the Chimera exposed on the hill and the vendetta definitely coming on, I decide to rush the Soul Grinder up.  He had no melta, so couldn't really hurt me and since the grimoire went off I was sitting pretty with a 3++, but I should have rotated my rear to the edge of the table.  The lower squad of deamonettes start to shift back toward the center, hiding behind terrain. The far right daemonettes continue to occupy the length of the right side so they can quickly get to whichever objective is needed. 

Tzeentch helps out with Storm of Fire and hits 3 units.  Two scatter off completely, the third scores a direct hit against a bunched platoon squad and I roll all 10 3+'s to wound, wiping out the squad and finally earning first blood.

His vendetta comes on in hover mode, the chimeras press toward me, while the sentinels move further down towards my daemonettes, and the remaining platoon squad camps on the 2pt objective in his corner.  Some shooting from his sentinels and chimeras kills a couple more seekers.  The vendetta scores 3 hits, 2 pens & 1 glance on the Grinder.  My 3++ saves one of each but he rolls a 6 on the damage chart to blow it up.  Bummer, that hurt.

Calculating the odds of this happening for an individual shot at S9 AP2, TL BS3.
  • To hit * pen av11 * 3++ save, 3/4*2/3*1/3 = 1/6 to score a pen
  • With AV2, he gets +1 to the damage roll and an immobilized or explodes result would cripple it.  Immobolized odds 1/36, explodes 1/36.  Odds of rendering the SG ineffective per shot is 1/18.
  • With 3 shots 1-(1-(1/18))^3, roughly 16% chance. 
  • Of course, going the other way, the odds of rolling 10 3+ to wound against the platoon squad was 2/3^10, only a measly 1.7%.  

Turn 5

Time to make my dash to the objectives in case the game ends on 5.  I detach the herald with the loci of grace and join the right squad so I can lance the vendetta while they spread lower to hold the 3pt objective.  The seekers get grimoired try to get in range of the chimera, but have enough of a tail to still hold the 4pt objective after charging.  The daemonettes at the bottom rush out to take the other 3pt.  The lance shot is saved by the vendetta jinking. Unfortunately, the seekers fail their charge, needing 9"(due to terrain) but getting only 8".  If I had kept the locus with them they would have passed.
failed charge

Rhys moves as much as he can around to bring his firepower to bear on the seekers, but forgets to get the veterans out of the chimera so loses out on a some lasgun shots.  The PCS in the vendetta (I forgot about them) gets out flames the daemonettes.  I fail save any of those wounds.  The vendetta still gets 2 hits even at BS1 and vaporizes a herald and and another daemonetts

He shoots everything left at the seekers and I fail 8/10 3++ saves and lose most of the squad, continuing a round of bad dice rolls.  The armored sentinels charge the daemonettes.  Hammer of Wrath kills a few, but neither side does anything during the actual combat, and I lose a few more to daemonic instability.

Luckily for me, the game ends at turn 5 with a daemon victory. I held the 4 (by an 1/8"), and both 3s (thank you Objective secured) while Rhys held a 2 and a 1.  For secondaries I got first blood, but he got last laugh.  Neither earned linebreaker or warlord.  Daemons win 11-3.


Definitely the most unorthodox game I've ever played.  Much more of a chess match than a normal 40k game.  The warpstorm caused the only kills of the game for me, earning me first blood.  He managed to kill over 2/3 of my army and might have wiped the rest out in another turn.

Rules Mistakes

  1. Fleet does not give a re-roll to  move through cover, only to run and charge dice, oops.
  2. During turn 2 I forgot to add +3" to my run moves, that would have helped the Soul Grinder and both squads of daemonettes.
  3. Obviously, the Soul Grinder deployment in the corner was a poor decision.  I think I was trying to get cover saves.  Considering it has a 5++ wouldn't have done anything.
  4. Never swap infiltrate for anything in an assault list.
  5. I need to be more patient with movement and space things out better

Deployed poorly, still a badass
Overall, I think I played pretty well, if unexpectedly.  I didn't miss out on too many rules and limited my mistakes once the game actually started.  I've put a lot of thought into daemonic gifts now need to put some thought into the warlord traits I want to take depending on the situation.  I'm happy to get a win though.  We'll see who I'm able to fight next week for round 2.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Daemons vs. Chaos Space Marines 1850

 I finally got my first match in with my Daemons.  It was against Chaos Space Marines and we were both using Be'Lakor.  Andrew was a great opponent and I had a lot of fun and hope that he did as well.  It went a little slowly as I was still getting used to the tables and warpstorm.

1850 Daemons
Herald, steed, loci of grace, greater
Herald, steed, greater
Herald (Warlord), loci of Beguilement, exalted (Grimoire)
Herald, exalted (Portalglyph)
18 seekers, heartseeker, standard w/lesser
20 Daemonettes, alluress
20 Daemonettes, alluress
10 Daemonettes
10 Daemonettes
Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent
Soul Grinder, MoS, Baleful Torrent

1850 Chaos Space Marines
Be'Lakor (Warlord)
Chaos Terminators
10 Chaos Marines with ccw in Rhino
10 Chaos Marines with ccw in Rhino
5 Raptors, melta
5 Havocs, 3 lascannons, 1 missile
Land Raider

We rolled hammer and anvil and emperor's will.  I hid my objective as far up as I could in the ruin.  His was in the big plant on the left.  I got first turn and deployed everything on the front line while he deployed far back, fearing my speed.  The double rhino in the middle was a proxy for the Landraider and the DP was proxying for Be'Lakor.  He kept the raptors in reserve to deep strike.

Turn 1

 I moved everything up.  Tossed the Grimoire on the seekers, threw the portalglyph, and ran everything forward.  I failed invisibility, but got off  shrouding.  With fleet, I was able to roll very well on my run moves and was in his deployment zone first turn with the seekers.  I think they covered 23".  One squad stayed back near the objective.

On his turn, he hopped Abaddon and the Terminators out.  I think I lost 1-2 seekers from shooting and had the center soul grinder get immobolized from the lascannons havoks and land raider.

Abaddon and his squad charged through terrain.  I popped my Rapturous standard reducing Abaddon to WS5 and the terminators to WS2 (against WS5).  Abaddon in a challenge against a herald only caused 1 wound (thank you 3++) from 10 attacks.  The 57 attacks from the squad wipe the terminators out and cause a wound into the challenge.  Fearless Abaddon soils himself but is stuck in the challenge.

Turn 2

I continue to move up.  I still can't pop anyone out of the portalglyph since I don't have any daemonettes.  I try to Grimoire the seekers again but fail and instead are rolling 6++ for saves.  Invisibility fails again, but I get off fearless on the seekers just in case they lose against Abaddon so I don't get punked by daemonic instability.  The Soul Grinders shoot at Rhinos and cause a glance between them (damn BS3).   In assault Abaddon kills the herald and another 1 or 2 seekers but I kill Abaddon with just my rends and continue to press forward.

Dakka from bolters reduces the Seekers considerably.   The helldrake comes on and flames all but 2 from the squad of 10 that was bringing up the rear.  His invisible Be'Lakor charges a Soul Grinder and drops another two hull points with weapon destroyed results, leaving me with just the torrent which he would never get to use.

Turn 3

At this point I forgot to take pictures until the last turn because we were too involved in the match.

I move both squads of 20 deamonettes into charge range of his Be'Lakor to help out the Soul Grinder. I hop Be'Lakor over the daemonettes and attempt to charge into the LR.  My seekers move up to charge the CSM and havoks.  The Grimoire goes off on one daemonette squad and Be'Lakor finally gets invisibility off on the other.  I had deamonettes to use for the Portalglyph but forget to roll for it.  The Warp Storm brings Khorne's Wrath which does nothing.  The other Soul Grinder shoots at the helldrake causing a glance.

Both squads successfully charge Be'Lakor (thank you fleet) but he rolls well on his invulns and is still alive but destroys the Soul Grinder in return (thankfully no explosion). My Be'Lakor charges the Landraider and causes 3 pens immobilizing it and leaving it with only 1 lascannon.  My seekers charge was disastrous losing 3 to overwatch, then going at init 1 killed all but the heartseeker who died to instability.  Oh well, life of a daemon.

On Andrew's turn 3 he scorched half of the other daemonette squad with his drake.  His raptors still failed to come in.  The lascannons took some hull points off my soul grinder.  I managed to just barely finish off Be'Lakor in the assault phase and from there it was mostly clean up.

Turn 4
Be'Lakor swept in and wiped out the CSM squad while the big daemonette squad wiped out the havoks.  Warp storm brought Khorne's wrath again, but he was lazy and did nothing again.  I did finally get 4 daemonettes out of the portal and ran them back at my objective along with a herald.  One squad camped on the objective.  The soul grinder managed to shake the helldrake which failed his invuln and daemonic resilience roll and couldn't shoot next turn.

On his turn the raptors came in and killed a few of the portal squad.  His helldrake vector striked my Soul Grinder causing a HP of damage and a stun which I shook off.

Turn 5
Be'lakor finished the other CSM squad.  The daemonettes covered a lot of ground getting back to the Objective.  The Soul Grinder got 2 shots though and wrecked the Drake.

He multi charged and killed the two squads that popped out of the portal. but only had his vehicles left otherwise

Turn 6
I got another small squad of daemonettes from the portal and had several small squads of them around my objective that he wouldn't be able to remove in time plus one objective secure squad.  Since I also had all the secondaries we called it.

  1. Abaddon has a Mark of Slaanesh so shouldn't have been affected by the rapturous standard
  2. Forgot the warpstorm table a few times
  3. I forgot I could Grimoire his Be'Lakor to push more wounds through, which would have been a good idea rather than using it on my own squad
  4. Heralds are WS7, but I treated them like WS5,  so I should be hitting on 3+ against most things
  5. Forgot I had fear, so the havoks, raptors, and CSM should have testing.
  6. Soul Grinders are only WS3, so I should have been swinging at Be'Lakor needing 5s.  I didn't end up causing any wounds anyways.
  7. Need to be more disciplined about spreading out.  The Helldrake killed almost a full squad of 10 a turn
  8. Forgot about my lesser and greater gifts almost as soon as I rolled them, I need a better system or just take the etherblades.
  9. Need more Daemonettes so I can summon them.  I have 2 squads of 10 that need to be built and some Pink horrors just primed so I should be in decent shape going forward.
  10. The multi-charge was a disaster.  T3 5++ cannot stand up in a fight unless I can lay the hurt on them first with their high init.  I just got too greedy - I should have assaulted the CSM only or maybe a Rhino.
The Grimoire can be a big help but when it fails, really hurts the seekers.  They're toast at a 6++.  My only hope, if I fail the grimoire, is to cast invisibility on them if I want them alive.

I felt the squeeze on warp charge dice with this list.  I usually threw 4 at invisibility but it still wasn't very reliable.  I'll probably drop  the 2 squads of 10 daemonettes and take 2 squads of 11 pink horrors for 4 more dice.  They're mostly just sitting on backfield objectives anyways.  I could also summon more daemonettes, seekers, or another herald pending the actual model of course. Which they would need to babysit them.  I would need to come up with another 18 points though.  It's not pure Slaanesh then so I would need to consider how married I am to my theme.

I'm not sure how I feel about the portal glyph. Obviously, it would have been better if I had the models to pop out from the start.  They did really help me this game since I could bring in reinforcements, but only D6 is really low.  I think I'll have a follow up post on gifts for Slaanesh heralds in a follow up post.

I had a great time and really like running the daemons.  The gifts, warpstorm, psychic phase, and (minimal) shooting phase differences from my army really makes it feel different from any other army I've used and I like it.  I don't like moving 60-80 figures a turn, which is why I leave myself vulnerable to blasts and templates.  I just get lazy and my back starts to hurt.

Up next is our campaign and Andrew will by on my side for the next few weeks.  It ought to be great.