Once the new codex dropped, I had no Grey Knight HQs since I previously only ever ran Inquisitors. Granted, my Ordo Malleus Inquisitors in Terminators armor are almost entirely built from the grey knight terminator kits and therefore not official inquisitors.
They are both armed with thunder hammer (since it came with the armor) and psycannon (because they were awesome). Usually, they would be upgraded to psykers and take servo skulls as well. Servo skulls are especially appealing now with battle brothers sharing the awesomeness. Expect them to go away with the next codex though.
The first one I built was a hand me down terminator model. It already had a psycannon and hammer. Unfortunately, the previous painter was a little heavy handed and the model needed a lot of repair.
The should pads were removed in favor of inquisition specific ones. The head is a Dark Angel veteran. The thunder hammer arm ended up being scrapped entirely and instead I used an arm from the normal assault terminator kit, but the hammer end itself is from the power armor kit.
I think some of the flaws really show up in the blown up picture around the psycannon. I feel like I did a pretty good job cleaning it up. The painting could have been better, some of the bits weren't ideal, and the pose was way too static. I wasn't entirely satisfied, so I decided to build a second one.
This one was built using all custom ordered bits. Everything but the head comes from the terminator kit, but they are all the inquisition specific ones as best I could. I wanted a much more dramatic pose. Additionally, I wanted a book bit that could count as a Liber Heresius. The head is from the thunderwolf cavalry kit. Unfortunately, the bottom is flat, rather than rounded, but I made do with some greenstuff.. The eyes are terrible, I know.
The bases are from hi-tec, which makes great products. Of course, they can be just expensive or more expensive than similar GW products. They seem to be the premier place to get alternate HQs in terminator armor. The painting was really simple, just a mix of dark blues and a highlight of the raised edges in light blue. It looks really good and makes them stand out as ICs. Too bad there are only 2 varieties of this base.
I could always use my inquisitors as Brother captains or grand masters. The load out is fairly reasonable, but they're not particularly good for their points, especially when compared to the librarian. Unfortunately, librarians cannot take psycannons, so I was left with suboptimal choices. I really felt gutted with the GK updates. could run a Brotherhood Captain some dreadnoughts, strike squads, purgation squads, and dreadknights. Other than the knights, this is probably the least efficient way to run a GK list.
I decided to build my own librarian from spare parts. Since I didn't use the Terminator baby carrier parts, I had those arms, shoulder pads, and torsos. I also have plenty of falchions and since it is a free upgrade, might as well. The legs were spare from a Blood Angel Space Hulk terminator. The BA iconography on this one was minimal so I just trimmed some off and patched over with some purity seals and presto-chango a GK librarian.
The main issue is that the DK Terminator isn't quite a full terminator torso so I had to do some less than optimal patching over of the gaps. I ended up using a lot of spare bitz (taking a cue from my finecast librarian) around the waist to cover it up. It will look fine once painted.
GK Librarians, unlike other chapters, don't need to be blue. I still want to incorporate blue somewhere. It will be an interesting paint job, but probably not one I'll get to for a while. Not bad for free.
The main issue is that the DK Terminator isn't quite a full terminator torso so I had to do some less than optimal patching over of the gaps. I ended up using a lot of spare bitz (taking a cue from my finecast librarian) around the waist to cover it up. It will look fine once painted.
GK Librarians, unlike other chapters, don't need to be blue. I still want to incorporate blue somewhere. It will be an interesting paint job, but probably not one I'll get to for a while. Not bad for free.