Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Slaanesh Soul Grinder Finished

After making very rapid progress on my daemonettes and heralds, my output slowed drastically once I got to the Soul Grinder.  After weeks of painting, I think I'm finally happy with it.

I elected to go with a very similar painting style to Be'Lakor.  The paints I used  were nearly identical to the paints I used for the daemonettes. I started with a grey primer, druchii volet wash, slaanesh grey drybrush, and long beard grey drybrush highlights.  The Sycoraz Bronze was my primary metallic.  I used Xerus Purple on the legs and scab red with Blood for the Blood God on the chest veins.

The Iron Claw was actually the first piece I finished.  I would have liked to add the warpsword because the bit is really nice and would be fun to paint.  For 25pts, it does give an extra attack for having 2 specialist weapons and gives you the option to attack at Str6 ap3 with a reroll from master-crafted.  Since the Daemon of Slaanesh rule still gives rending, it's not a terrible deal, but I plan on running them with Daemon of Slaanesh and baleful torrent so they're already clocking in at 170pts.  I think I'll save the 25pts and take 2 more seekers.  The harvester cannon claw is much more Slaanesh-y in my opinion.

I drybrushed with the necron compound on just the engine compartment, then did a mechanicus standard grey highlight on the legs.  I wish I had just drybrushed the whole thing.  but I think the overall effect is pretty solid.  I tried not to go too overboard on the engine compartment just hitting the rivets with bronze and the wires/pipes with various shades of red.

The leg guards are a bit plain.  They aren't glued down yet.  I'm still contemplating if I want to do something further with them.  My 2nd Soul Grinder is finished and has skulls glued to the rear leg guards but not the front.  I may end up swapping them out and having 1 with all skulls and 1 with none, but want to see how they look.

I tried to follow an insect walking diagram for how to arrange the legs.  From what I can tell the center legs on each side act as anchors for the other two and align with the front and read on the opposite side.  They also tend to dip forward at different times.  While they look decent enough biologically, the leg position is my least favorite part.  For my 2nd I elected to go with more of a static, symmetric pose with the front raised up.  I'm much happier with the pose on the 2nd.

I want to finish up my daemonettes and start on my seekers before I drop another 2-3 weeks on the 2nd Soul Grinder.  I really enjoyed painting the body, claw, and engine but the legs were tedious.  It's a very impressive model that I'm quite happy with regardless.  Two of these, plus my Be'Lakor on the table will be scary.

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